Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First Day of School!

Kaden started pre-school on Wednesday, September 3rd. His teacher is Miss Bev and he goes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 12:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. He has about 11 kids in his class and so far, he absolutely loves it! But, I never realized that pre-school (emphasis on the "pre") was going to be so hectic and make my life even crazier. Some of the things that I now get to add to my list of to-dos:

  • Provide the theme related snack once a month (apples for the letter "A", muffins for the letter "M", etc.)
  • Monthly field trips - parents required
  • Monthly book orders - helping Kaden understand that we can't order every book on the 3 4-page, front and back, book orders that are sent home
  • Mandatory parent volunteer hours
  • Weekly show and tell (every Friday for the boys)
  • Other special class events (funny feet day for "F" and bring small pumpkin for decorating)
  • Examine every store-bought package for some type of savings that can go to the school (example: Box Tops for Education, saving old ink cartridges, etc.)
  • Parent teacher conferences

I really honestly thought that pre-school would be just something fun for KADEN to do but it's a family affair...but I guess it's good practice for the next 13 years? And, I've only got one in pre-school right now so it is beyond me how I'll ever juggle more than one kid in school at a time. I think I'm going to have to start watching Jon & Kate plus 8 and take some of her organization tips into account. But, to see how much he's learning and how much fun he's having and to hear his teacher tell us what a kind, polite boy he is and how much she loves having him in class (I'm sure she says that to every child's parents) makes the extra work well worth it. We just went on his first field trip so keep reading to see how that went...it was a lot of fun. But, on a setimental note, I did tear up after I walked him in on his first day which I was a little surprised at because I've been dropping him off at daycare for the last 4 years but he just looked so grown-up and I think I realized that this was the start of a different phase for him.


Sarah J. said...

Did you say 3??? Are you expecting??? Cute pictures of Kaden- sounds like a great preschool. Life does get busier, but it's fun to watch them learn and grow. Does make it all worth it. Good luck!

Balls Family said...

Good catch...better fix that so people don't jump to the same conclusion. We've always felt that 3 was the right number so we've always envisioned us as a family of 5...we'll see if the man upstairs has the same vision!

Mandy Jarvis said...

Corbyn just started preschool too but its not nearly as intense... wow I can't imagine! We were lucky to have a lady in our ward start her preschool this year who just happens to be the Primary music director too... Corbyn feels very comfortable with her.