Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Birthday / St. Patrick's Day!

Kaden celebrated his 5th birthday this last Tuesday (yes, St. Patrick's Day). He's our St. Paddy's Day baby. It's great that he can finally say that he is 5 years old. It was "4 and a half" and then "almost 5" forever! I can't believe he's already 5 and will be in kindergarten this fall but he's at a really fun age...where we can have conversations with him and he's so helpful. I hope he had a great birthday.

We decided not to do a big party this year, we're going to try and do big parties every other year. So, the night before Kaden's birthday, we decorated the kitchen with streamers and balloons and wrapped his presents and set them out on the table. You can always tell when something exciting is happening the next day because he seems to wake up earlier than usual and instead of coming into our room, he goes downstairs immediately. Needless to say, he was pretty excited to finally have his birthday here and see the decorations and presents. We had a donut breakfast before Ray left for work and let him open one present but made him wait until dad got home from work to open the rest.

The weather has been really nice lately and since it was my usual day home with the boys, I found the energy to take them to the park and enjoy the day. However, I did schedule his 5 year checkup with the doctor on his birthday so the sad part of the day was having to go to the doctor and watch him get 2 shots...on his birthday! I know I won't ever do that again. Kaden wanted Little Ceasars pizza for dinner so we picked that up on our way home, had pizza & breadsticks, opened presents, enjoyed some birthday cake and ice cream with our good friends Cal & Suzy, and called it a night. Two days after his birthday, we invited our good friends Allen and Jessica and their boys and went to Jumpin Jacks (a bounce house) where the kids ran around, climbed, and slid down the slides until they were exhausted (well, mom and dad were exhausted too). All in all, it was a pretty fun week and I hope he had a great birthday and knows how much we love him and are glad he is part of our family.

I've posted some of his favorite presents below. We had a "Star Wars" birthday since he (and Ray) have really been into Star Wars lately. Ray bought the prequel trilogy for him and I'm not sure who was more excited for him to get it, Kaden or Ray! Kaden is so into Star Wars that his name choices for the baby are either Luke or Anakin.

Kaden's Star Wars cake

Still a Seahawks fan, even though they did TERRIBLE last season

Finally, a two-wheeled scooter for him since he's been "too big" for a 3-wheeled scooter for the last year and refuses to ride it. Next up, a skateboard! Happy birthday, sweet boy! We love you and are so grateful you're in our family.


Tara Ann said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe that Kaden is already five! It feels like yesterday that I ran into his grandma and she was all giddy over his arrival. Happy birthday Kaden! And congrats to you and Ray for raising such a handsome young man :)

Melanie said...

You're right, Caden and Marcus would be best of friends. Marcus also had a Star Wars birthday cake and has every kind of Star Wars Lego thing available, not to mention his Star Wars underwear.