Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Birthday (continued)

Just wanted to share some recent pictures of the boys at the park and at the bounce house Kaden and a friend went to for his birthday. Jackson wanted nothing to do with the bounce toys, I think the noise of the air pumps and their size looked enormous to him. As usual, about 30 minutes before we were going to leave, he all of the sudden decided he liked them so we had to stay later than planned so he could catch up on having as good of a time as Kaden & Sam did. I know they had a good time but we sure took some good baths when we got home to get off all those germs! Enjoy the pics!

Kaden and his friend, Sam

Jackson sitting on the quarter train

At the park

I was going for a smile but caught this cute face instead

Kaden at the park, sitting on the pinches for him that day

Our sweet Kaden

I really need to take a photography class...apparently the sun was a little too bright so this is the best we could do.


Bennett Family said...

Happy bday sweet boy!!!

remington and mindy said...

Your boys are so cute and getting so big! I hope all is going well!

Mandy Jarvis said...

Cute boys! Happy Birthday Kaden... I cannot believe how quickly it goes by. CW and Karen's oldest will be 5 at the end of May. Corbyn is the youngest of them he won't be until November so he's got one more year of preschool(thank goodness). But we don't know where we will be so we haven't signed him up again yet!

FishHead said...

Happy Birthday K-man! I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you and your family. You're so big you already look 6! Tell your parents hi for me.