Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Snow, Snow, Go Away...Come Again....NEVER!

Well, we officially got our first snow of the season (and I'm sure there will be plenty more!). We woke up on Sunday morning and there was an inch or so of snow everywhere! For pete's sake, it's not even November yet! Anyway, Kaden was so excited of course so he had to get his new boots on and try them out so we bundled him up and he and daddy went out and what is the best thing to do with snow, build a snowman of course. Kaden named him Kyle Cone (NO idea where that came from, he's got quite the imagination). So, of course we had to get pictures of him all bundled and waddling out the door and with his new friend, Kyle. Luckily, the snow melted by the end of the day but Kyle is melting a little slower. Kaden checks on him each day but soon, he'll be gone. My two favorite seasons here are Spring and Fall and neither one of them lasts very long before the hot summer and cold winter hit. I'm trying to talk Ray into taking Kaden skiing this year but he thinks he's still too young. We'll see...if not this year, definitely next year. How can we live in Utah and not ski? People move here just for that which is crazy to me, but they do.

Side note...just as I'm sitting here writing, Kaden is yelling from the bathroom, "Mommy, I'm all done pooping." Can I just say how GREAT it is having a potty-trained child? The road getting here was EXTREMELY painful and frustrating but it's well worth it now. I can't even imagine a day when we can just walk out the door with no diaper bags and not having to empty the Diaper Genie every week while plugging our noses. All I can say is that I hope Jackson wants to be just like his big brother and catches on a lot sooner than Kaden did. It's amazing the things that mom's cherish, like pooping and peeing in the potty. :)

The best way to end the day, a cup of hot chocolate.


Zappe Family said...

Snow? Wow! That's crazy to already have snow...especially when it's 65+ here today! Love Kaden's imagination and his snowman friend! So...what was your secret to get him potty trained? I've been working that issue for a while and well...even though Mitchell shows all the signs, he WON'T do it! I know it will change soon though! He'll be 3 on Thursday! Oh...tell Ray that 3 year olds can learn to ski. My brother was a ski instructor for many years at the Canyons in Park City and he tells stories of 3 year olds cruising around! :)

whit said...

That is an awesome snowman Kaden! It has already snowed twice here. We did not, however, get enough snow either time to build a snowman, or go sledding in our back yard. We will cross our fingers. I say if it is going to be cold, it better snow.

Mandy Jarvis said...

So happy to not be in the snow! But hey we're taking both kids skiing this year. Jillian is only 19 months this month. But I grew up skiing in MT and our ward is completely full of ski bums! Our past Bishop has a lodge up in Snoqualmie and works up at Alpental so most of our ward started asking if this is the year and if they get to teach them... they'll have to go through me!
Hope you convince Ray its soooo much fun! I will tell you though there isn't a ski instructor out there that should teach snowboarding until after 6 yrs old its too dangerous they don't have the balance it requires. So watch out for that!

Bennett Family said...

FUN! better snow than RAIN...the weater has been HORRIBLE this year! we got robbed of a summer. but today it was 83 degrees..WOOHOO! about time.