Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Say Cheese

Just wanted to share some more cute pictures of my boys. It's been a pretty uneventful week. I just got done with my last work deadline (October 15th) until the January busy season hits so I've been able to spend more time than usual with the boys. The weather is getting colder and it's more and more like fall each day and I think it will be snowing like crazy soon and there's already some snow on the mountains.

Ray is headed to L.A. next week on a recruiting trip for Omniture so it will just be me and boys most of next week also. Kade has really been into Legos lately and I've realized that I really like it too. There's just some sense of accomplishment from looking at a picture and being able to replicate it. Kaden's creations are a lot more creative than mine, my whole goal is to make it look exactly like it is in the picture, by the rules, now I understand why I'm an accountant...it's all about rules and exactness. Anyway, as soon as Ray gets home and life slows down a bit, we'll get our pumpkins carved and get ready for Halloween. Enjoy the pictures!

I guess it was too hard to try and get it from hand to mouth so he just stuck it in his mouth and started sucking on it.

Kaden now loves having his picture taken so when I take pictures of Jackson, I have to take one of Kaden.

Kaden with one of his best friends, Grady.

Jackson loves his Baby Bungee!

Kaden hates for Jackson to take a bath alone, there's just something so sweet about brothers taking a bath together.

Another tub time cheeser!


Bennett Family said...

hillarious...i'm TOTALLY anal about my lego creations too--down to the TINIESt details.

Terra said...

I found your blog through Niki's and just have to ask if you are related to the former Lisa Balls (I can't remember her married last name right now). I went to Ricks with her and would love to get in touch if you are related to her. Just let me know. Thanks. terra4029.blogspot.com

whit said...

You have the cutest boys. No wonder Kaden likes his picture taken, he is so photogenic.