Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Well, it's been a while since I blogged, to say the least it's been hectic. But, I'm back on and what better to do on a Sunday than blog. I just wanted to share some of the latest pictures of the boys and also a couple of pictures from Jackson's first birthday on January 23rd. I can't believe that he's one already....time sure flies. I remember counting down the days until Kaden turned one but before we knew it, Jackson had turned one. Since his birthday is so close to mine, we shared a rainbow chip cake that daddy made for us. But, rather than make him (and the rest of us) try to blow out 30 candles, we just stuck to his one candle. We had just a small celebration with just us, a couple of presents, the video camera, and a cake. He had a great time and LOVED his cake. Big brother was so excited to help him open his presents and we have to keep reminding Kaden that the toys are for Jackson, not for Kaden. Luckily, Jackson is so easy going, he doesn't seem to mind that brother loves his toys way more than he does.


Bennett Family said...

cute, CUTE boys!!! happy birthday cami and jackson!

Sarah J. said...

WOW! I can't believe he's one already! Where did the time go?! Happy birthday to YOU (the big 3-0???) and Jackson!