Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Evan's Special Day

Dear Evan,

Your daddy gave you your first priesthood blessing on Sunday, June 29th in the Mindi Meadows Ward, giving you the name of Evan Albert Balls. You had a lot of family there to participate and witness the blessing. Grandma and Grandpa Balls, along with Shauna, Kirsten, & Kailyn came down from Washington and Grandma & Grandpa from Wyoming came also. Those that stood in the circle were daddy, Grandpa Balls, Grandpa Haderlie, Bishop Densley, Uncle Steve (Aunt Tiffany's husband), Uncle Dan (Aunt LaNae's husband & Grandpa Balls' brother-in-law), and Uncle Reed (Aunt Pam's husband & Grandpa Balls' brother). There were other friends and family that wanted to be there and stand in the circle to bless you but they were unable to make it. You looked so sweet and precious in your blessing outfit. The same blessing outfit that your brothers Kaden and Jackson wore on their blessing days.

When daddy took you and started up toward the front of the chapel, your brother Kaden climbed on to my lap to make sure he could see you and listen to what daddy was going to say. As mommy watched you and daddy walk up toward the front and saw the men gently place their hands underneath you I got teary realizing what a special day it was and how grateful I was to my Heavenly Father for having sent such a sweet spirit with a healthy body to our home. Your daddy gave you an amazing and very heartfelt blessing. He blessed you with the best that life has to offer and I hope that you live a life that will allow you to be blessed with all of the wonderful things he asked for on your behalf. Daddy also told you how much we love you and are grateful for you...I hope both he and I can always treat you in a way that reinforces this and that we can always tell you and show you how much you are loved, even during the trials I'm sure we'll face. Even from the very first moment you entered this world, I realized that you were going to be a calming influence in our family and you have continued to prove me right and have been a great baby which has really helped me enjoy this time at home with you and your brothers. I can't wait to see you grow and change and see what personality you will bring to our home and to watch you play with your two older brothers.

Your middle name is the same name as my grandpa, Albert Johns. I can't wait to tell you all about him and the very special memories I have of him when I was growing up. He died before he should have due to Alzheimers but he was a very honest, loving, and hard working man and I hope that you can grow up to be like him.

We love you sweet Evan and we will try to be the best parents possible but I know that when we make mistakes, you will forgive us and we will do the same for you. We are so grateful for you in our family and can't wait to experience life with you.


Tiffany & Co. said...

What a precious letter to your sweet baby boy! You will have to keep that for him to read one day. Your family is so adorable!