Friday, December 28, 2007

Tonight We're Going to Party Like It's, I Mean 2007!

As I mentioned in the previous blog, Ray and I went to my company's Christmas party and also his company's Christmas party in December. Mine was pretty low key but his was an all-out extravaganza! They held it at the Grand America hotel and it was black tie. It was kind of fun to have a reason to get all dressed up. They had a great band and we had steak and lobster for dinner and could have partied until the wee hours of the morning but being the responsible parents that we are and knowing that our kids would wake up as early as usual no matter how late we stayed out, we headed home around 10 p.m.

They had professional photographers there and this is one of the pictures we got. Sorry, but I couldn't figure out how to resize it. I wanted to post our engagement picture next to it so you can all see how much 7 years of marriage and 2 kids has changed us, but even though we would look different, I know that I am more in love with my husband 7 years later than I was when we got engaged.


Bennett Family said...

FUN! cute photo. cute couple.

FishHead said...

You guys look way better than back then! Age makes us all beautiful (at least I hope it does)!

Zappe Family said...

You both look so great in that photo. What a fun party! Aaron's work doesn't do anything until January, because they are so PC and don't want to associate any party with Christmas...dare I say it??...and then their party is a gambling/alcohol fest. Fun times! :)

Mandy Jarvis said...

Beautiful... its great to see you two so happy!